(GUEST BLOG) Earth Day is Every Day – Make the Planet Your Priority

Posted by Laura Wittenzellner on

April 22nd is this year’s global Earth Day.

The Earth Day movement started in 1970 and has since continuously promoted, fostered, and taken climate and environmental action. For many, Earth Day means taking a day to purposely appreciate the beautiful planet that nurtures us all. But let’s be real – we all know we need to do more than celebrate the planet once a year just on social media. 

It is easy to get overwhelmed with all the climate emergencies and environmental disasters that are becoming more frequent and more disastrous. Sometimes we all wonder if our individual actions even make a difference.

The answer is YES, they absolutely do! With every choice as consumers, we cast a vote and that is where sustainable and responsible consumption comes in.

So, what can we do on an individual level to fight climate change?

The Earth Day Movement is a fantastic online resource that supports organizations and individuals on their quest to becoming environmental stewards. We are encouraged to incorporate daily Simple Acts of Green that avoid waste, reduce our carbon footprints, and therefore help and protect our beautiful planet. 

Environmentally conscious businesses can help us make the right choices on our mission to incorporate Simple Acts of Green into our daily lives. How to get started?

First of all, let’s say goodbye to plastic bags forever and make sure we always bring a reusable shopping bag with us. Get yourself a reusable tote that is not only cute but also handy and sturdy. Ditch store-provided plastic bags for fruits and veg by being prepared with Damselfly Creatives locally made produce bags that won’t ever let you down.

WeFill reusable washable produce bags zero waste market and refillery

The next item we should all vouch to never touch again is plastic cutlery that comes with our favourite take-out lunch option. Secure yourself one of these bamboo cutlery sets, make sure to always have it in your purse, and never, I repeat never, have to throw a single plastic fork in the landfill ever again – win! 

Reuseable cutlery set bamboo sustainable zero waste wefill mobile market and refillery

Do you prefer bringing homemade food? I hear you because so do I. Long gone are the days where I stored sandwiches in Ziploc bags that had to go after a few uses. I made the switch to organic beeswax wraps and reusable lunch bags and have never looked back. Not only do switches like this allow us to reduce the waste we produce, but it also saves us money because these items last and can be used over and over again.

beeswax wraps organic compostable zero waste wefill mobile market and refillery 

I hope these suggestions inspire you to reflect and identify opportunities in your daily life that allow you to make sustainable choices. Little Acts of Green add up and before you know it they become habits and eventually a lifestyle. Don’t feel pressured – it is a process and it’s okay to take it day by day.

As always WeFill has your back if you are looking for advice, guidance, and recommendations. Drop us a line anytime!

Earth Day is on April 22nd – let’s celebrate our Earth every day!



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